FREE WEBINAR: How to optimize your health in Pregnancy
In Person Infant & Child First Aid and CPR workshops at Uptown Midwives
Join Debby Noar for this great opportunity to brush up on your CPR skills or learn them for the first time.
This in-clinic workshop is designed for parents-to-be, new parents and caregivers and is a non-certification workshop.
Part of this class will be hands-on with mannequins and some skills may require kneeling on the ground. Accommodations for pregnancy and for any other reason will be made. Bring a towel or yoga mat for your comfort.
February 7, 2024
March 6, 2024
April 10, 2024
May 8, 2024
June 5, 2024
$75 per person ($25 deposit required); Maximum of 6 people per class
Please arrive 15 minutes early for sign in and payment (if not yet paid).
REGISTER with Debby Noar RN IBCLC (she/her) at:
Facebook: @MaternallyyoursGTA
Instagram: @maternallyyoursgta
Prenatal Breastfeeding Preparation Classes
Caring for your baby class
Prenatal Classes at Uptown led by your Midwives
Perinatal Services in Mandarin
FREE: Prenatal Classes for Orthodox Jewish Women
Prenatal HypnoBirthing Childbirth Classes
Sarah's Birth Story
Magnificent Mezuzahs
What an exciting few weeks this has been!
Not only did we recently hold our official clinic open house, which gave us the chance to share our beautiful new space with many of our beloved families, friends and colleagues, we also performed the traditional Jewish practice of placing mezuzahs in our doorways.
Mezuzahs are comprised of a small piece of parchment placed within a permanent case and affixed to the inside edge of a doorframe. The parchment is inscribed with special spiritual scriptures from the Jewish bible (Torah) and sealed in a weather-proofed housing. It is believed that these holy scrolls provide a good omen for blessings, health and good fortune.
May Uptown Midwives & Family Wellness, and all those who pass through our doors grow to see an abundance of these blessings!
It's Official!
We have moved into our new clinic space at:
3424 Bathurst Street (just south of Wilson Ave.)
If you have an upcoming appointment booked with one of our midwives it will be held here.
For those of you experienced with renovations, big moves or even parenthood, you may personally recognize how even the best laid plans are often upended!
Pregnant? No A/C? How to survive this weekend's heatwave
It's a scorcher out there, folks! And while 45C with the humidex is bad enough for the average person, those of you growing a human are hit especially hard on days like this. As midwives, we often get pages when the mercury passes 30 degrees with complaints of cranky uterine muscles, faintness and generalized discomfort. Here's a primer on keeping your cool when there's a heatwave afoot.
Decoding labour pains - how to tell the difference between a cranky uterus and the real deal.
Introducing... Uptown Midwives & Family Wellness!
We are pleased to announce the birth of our NEW satellite clinic at Bathurst + Lawrence: Uptown Midwives & Family Wellness!
After a gestational period of many months, our baby was born into the gentle hands of six midwives: Aynsley Donohue, Gemma Greenberg, Christi Johnston, Ildiko Kaszas, Rivky Meldung and Carla Sorbara.